KFServing3 KFServing - Canary rollout 테스트 1. 개요 - Kubeflow KFServing에서 제공하는 Canary rollout 기능을 살펴보고자 한다. - Canary release 은 새로운 버전의 모델을 배포할 때, 소규모의 사용자들 에게만 먼저 제공함으로써 위험을 빠르게 감지할 수 있는 배포 전략이다. https://m.blog.naver.com/muchine98/220262491992 2. Envrironments - Kubernetes 1.16.15 - Kubeflow 1.2 - nfs-client-provisioner v3.1.0 (dynamic provisioning of Kubernetes Persistent Volumes) 참고 문서: NFS-Client Provisioner 3. Canary rollout 테스트 - PVC .. 2021. 10. 17. KFServing - Deep dive 1. Kubeflow KFServing? - Kubeflow supports two model serving systems that allow multi-framework model serving: KFServing and Seldon Core. - KFServing enables serverless inferencing on Kubernetes ✓ Encapsulate the complexity of autoscaling, networking, health checking, and server configuration to bring cutting edge serving features like GPU autoscaling, scale to zero, and canary rollouts to your .. 2021. 10. 14. Kubeflow 1.0 기능 #5 (KFServing, TFServing) 2020.03.13 1. Model serving overview - https://v1-0-branch.kubeflow.org/docs/reference/pytorchjob/v1/pytorch/ - Kubeflow supports two model serving systems that allow multi-framework model serving: KFServing and Seldon Core. Alternatively, you can use a standalone model serving system. a. Multi-framework model serving - A check mark (✓) indicates that the system (KFServing or Seldon Core) suppor.. 2021. 9. 25. 이전 1 다음