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K8s 구성 - AWS 1. 개요 - AWS에서 Amazon EC2에 Kubernetes를 구성하는 절차를 간단하게 설명하고자 합니다. - 구성 환경은 Amazon EC2(Redhat 9.2), CRI-O 1.25.4, Kubernetes 1.28, flannel 0.22.2입니다. - AWS는 관리형 서비스인 Amazon EKS(Elastic Kubernetes Service)와 Amazon ECS(Elastic Container Service)를 제공하고 있습니다. 2. AWS EC2 구성 2.1 Key pair 생성 Kubernetes를 설치하기 위하여 Amazon EC2에 접속할 때 사용할 키를 생성합니다. - 메뉴 EC2 console > Network & Security > Key Pairs > Create key .. 2023. 8. 30.
Kubernetes 업그레이드 (1.16 ⇢1.20) 및 호환성 검토 1. 개요 - Kubernets를 업그레이드하기 위하여 영향이 높은 소프트웨어에 대한 호환성을 검토하였다. Dashboard, metrics-server, Kubeflow, istio, knative - Kubeflow 호환성 만을 고려했을 때 Kubernetes 1.19를 선택해야 하지만, 자사의 컨테이너 플랫폼(Flyingcube)의 업그레이드 전략을 고려해서 1.20을 진행하였다. (5.c 참조) - 업그레이드 진행 시점(21.10.20)의 최신 버전은 Kubernetes 1.22.2이다 2. Environments - Kubernetes 1.16.15 - Ubuntu 18.04.5, Docker 19.3.15 $ k get nodes -o wide NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSI.. 2021. 10. 19.
GPU Operator Install on Ubuntu 2021.6.9 1. Environments - Softwares ✓ Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (Bionic Beaver), Kubernetes 1.16.15, Docker 19.03.15 ✓ NVIDIA Driver 460.73.01, cuda-libraries-11-2, libcudnn8_8.2.1.32 - 별도 설치 ✓ GPU Operator 1.7.0 NVIDIA k8s device plugin 0.9.0 NVIDIA container toolkit 1.7.0 NVIDIA DCGM-exporter 2.1.8-2.4.0 Node Feature Discovery 0.6.0 GPU Feature Discovery 0.4.1 - GPU Card ✓ NVIDIA Tesla V100 2. NVIDI.. 2021. 9. 21.
GPU Operator on CentOS 2020.12.23 1. NVIDIA GPU Operator - https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/nvidia-gpu-operator-simplifying-gpu-management-in-kubernetes/ - Simplifying GPU Management in Kubernetes - To provision GPU worker nodes in a Kubernetes cluster, the following NVIDIA software components are required – the driver, container runtime, device plugin and monitoring. The GPU Operator simplifies both the initial depl.. 2021. 9. 21.
Helm 2020.09.04 1. Helm Helm is the Kubernetes package manager 2. Helm 3.3.1 구성하기 - https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/ a. Install Helm $ curl -fsSL -o get_helm.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/v3.3.1/scripts/get-helm-3 $ chmod 744 get_helm.sh $ ./get_helm.sh Downloading https://get.helm.sh/helm-v3.3.1-darwin-amd64.tar.gz Preparing to install helm into /usr/local/bin Password: helm inst.. 2021. 9. 21.
MetalLB 2021.03.16 1. MetalLB 0.9.5 ? - MetalLB is a load-balancer implementation for bare metal Kubernetes clusters, using standard routing protocols. - https://metallb.universe.tf/ 2. MetalLB 배포 & Kubeflow (istio) 설정 변경 - https://www.kubeflow.org/docs/started/k8s/kfctl-istio-dex/#expose-with-a-loadbalancer a. Install MetalLB $ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metallb/metallb/v0.9.5/m.. 2021. 9. 15.
keepalived, haproxy for K8s 2021.03.31, 2020.06.10 1. 개요 Kubernetes master를 HA 구성시 L4 스위치가 없을 경우 Software load balancing로 설정하는 방법 2. 환경 - keepalived 2.0.20, HAProxy 2.0.14 The keepalived service provides a virtual IP managed by a configurable health check. The haproxy service can be configured for simple stream-based load balancing thus allowing TLS termination - 구성 내역 Server IP : iap1(, iap2( 2021. 9. 15.
K8s 구성 - MiniKube on MacOS 2020.02.08 1. What is MiniKube ? - Minikube is a tool that makes it easy to run Kubernetes locally. https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/learning-environment/minikube/ - Support OS : Windows, MacOS, Linux - 지원 Drivers (https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/drivers/) - 비교 (https://brennerm.github.io/posts/minikube-vs-kind-vs-k3s.html) 2. Install for MacOS a. Install kubectl .. 2021. 9. 14.
K8s 구성 - KinD on MacOS 2020.08.26 1. kind - KinD ? kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes”. kind was primarily designed for testing Kubernetes itself, but may be used for local development or CI. kind supports multi-node (including HA) clusters kind is a CNCF certified conformant Kubernetes installer https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/ - supported K8s list https://hub.docker.com/r/kin.. 2021. 9. 14.
K8s 구성 - Single on GCE 2020.07.14 1. K8s 설치 개요 - 내용: K8s 1.18.1/1.15.11 (Single control plane) install, K8s Dashboard v2.0.0 / Weave scope install - 환경 : Google Compute Engine, Centos 7.7 - 참조: https://futurecreator.github.io/2019/02/25/kubernetes-cluster-on-google-compute-engine-for-developers/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/install-kubeadm/ - 참고: Kubeflow v1.0 설치 기준 요구사항 compat.. 2021. 9. 14.
K8s 구성 - HA K8s on bare-metal server 2020.06.10 1. K8s 설치 개요 내용: K8s 1.16.15 (Stacked control plane nodes) install 환경 : Centos 7.8, Baremetal server 참조 : Creating Highly Available clusters with kubeadm https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/high-availability/ 2. Stacked control plane nodes 3. 사전 작업 - K8s master nodes & worker nodes 사전 작업 $ sudo su - # swapoff -a && echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness # /.. 2021. 9. 14.